Sunday, June 5, 2011

The bloom before winter

She wanted the love and the tenderness that a flower gets
She only gets the cold breath,
the ignorance of the truth
Entered a twister with no way out, the only way out was to be loved for who you are
Was blind for a long time, 
Denying the truth behind the lies told to your face
Thinking he was the sun, that made you shine in the shade
Believing he was the reason you stood tall and faced the crowd
Till you found the lies behind your smile, 
he restrained you from your life unlike his
Resuscitating your life, with the time lost
Managed to become the flower you wanted to become
Standing tall in the sun
No negativity bringing you down
She finally became the flower she is now

Pwa essay ! Education is our key to freedom (:

Kindred is about a women named Dana who is transported back in to the time of slavery. Dana has to survive to the racism around her, and having less rights than others. Dana is always transported back in to time when Rufus, Dana’s great great great grandfather gets hurt, or when Rufus is in trouble. Dana gets stuck in time where it’s nothing compared to what Dana is used to. Dana experiences oppression. Even though Dana is not from that time period, Dana is not able to read books, Dana does not have the freedom that she has in real life, Dana is treated like a slave. Even though education is the key to freedom, back in the day where Dana is transported they did not want slaves to learn to read & write because they did not want slaves to know their rights.
Education gives you the power of knowledge. It’s the reason to get a better start at life and to have a brighter future. “Tom Weylin didn’t want me reading on my own, but he had ordered me to read to his son. Once he told Rufus in my presence, you ought to be ashamed of yourself ! A nigger can read better than you !” This quote explains that education was not allowed for slaves to learn so that they would always be in that kind of oppressive system.
    In the book Kindred, Carrie asked Sarah, “ Do you want to learn? Afraid if you learn, she might get caught and then be whipped or sold ?” This quote explains that the way the oppressive system works, when you have the time to learn you are cruelly punished for an unknown reason. You are being punished for wanting a better future for yourself. This in so many ways, is unacceptable because they are basically threatening slaves, that they aren’t able to learn so they won’t be able to  know what their rights and they won’t rebel against their slave owners.
    Today we are facing the same situation. Now with the Board of Education doing budget cuts, there’s a less chance of kid’s going to college and getting an education.Getting a high school diploma and a college degree is getting harder and harder for people to get since there’s more cuts being cut from schools. which is actually hurting our future and desires. We want a better life for ourselves but the more budget cuts there are, we are loosing doctors, surgeons, teachers, etc. I think it’s important for us to learn and gain an education so we can know what is going around the world, and things that surround us.
    I guess what I’m trying to say is that we want the chance to be able to have an education. Education leads to a brighter future which means a better career for us and better teachers, doctors, etc. for our community. without an education we would never be able to discover new things, as the world keeps changing and keeps on developing. With slaves in the past not being able to have an education, it is our duty to let the people of the world have the gift of an education. Having people with knowledge can prepare our community to what comes ahead of us and what's awaiting us ahead. We can learn the mistakes of the past and not make them again in the future, what I'm saying is that we should stand up for education because that's what's going to help us in the end. Will you be able to transform this resistance against our future's ? Will you prevent the past to not relive in the future ?

Sex trafficking Power Point !

College for all Reflection

College for all was the experience of a lifetime that i will never forget throughout my lifetime. i learned the ways that the college students learned in college, the way they lived. Our first stop was UC Santa Barbara we spent time getting a tour around the school & we stayed in centro where it's for latinos & you can learn bout others cultures.  Santa Barbara Was next to the Beach which was cool. i really loved UC Santa Barbara it was awesome because you can really be in touch with your roots in this school. Our next stop was Cal poly ! what i really loved about Cal Poly, was that it was small & it had good food ! :) aha but i really loved the site, because it was where the mountains were ! i loved the weather it was nice & hot. i really see myself being in these two schools. :) Our last stop was UC Santa Cruz ! I was really not a fan of Santa Cruz, but i really loved their food, & the library & their history. What i really didn't like was that it was a long trip from the bottom to the school. i also didn't like the way that it we were in the woods & that it got us lost because it was very confusing ! I really loved the trip & i will always remember this & also my 8th grade experience. the best part of this trip though was The boardwalk in Santa Cruz where it was AWESOME ! :)