Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Expo Oppression Journal

Oppression paragraph
    May of the systems of alcohol and drugs are an oppression to teenagers and the people around them. This type of oppression like alcohol and drugs can affect someone to do things that are not healthy for their minds, bodies and the people around them because it puts certain of people in the harm of early death and the harm of the people around them that don’t know what to do. This system is also an oppression because the way that teenagers are forced to do alcohol or drugs just to fit in hurts non other than themselves and their loved ones because that makes their families think where did they go wrong on raising their child. Also alcohol and drugs oppress others is the way that liquor stores sell them, with the way that people are age 21 but they can sell the drugs or liquor to a minor. Kids that are under age can be oppress by alcohol and drugs because they are sold out on the streets that can make them do a bad decision on this that can change a person’s future by saying a simple no or yes.
Action paragraph
    Individuals can liberate themselves by looking for help or support at a local rehab center around. One step that people with an addiction to alcohol and drugs can do to take the chance to liberate themselves is to realize that they have an addiction to alcohol and drugs. Another important element of liberation is to take the chance to talk to a counselor that you can explain your problems to, and that the counselors get the chance to help you out with your addiction and look at where it all started ti help you out. Individuals can incorporate joy in their life by getting the help they need by caring about their health, by going to rehab center. To be alcohol and drug free person, we all must have the right to have a place to be able to talk out our minds and see others peoples experiences to what they are going through also.
                Liberation paragraph
    Without this type of oppression of Alcohol and drugs, people would feel happy and powerful over their ways that they are finally free. When free from this form of oppression people would be more themselves than what they really hide inside because they don’t want to hide their addiction or problem that they have because, someone that is addicted to drugs and alcohol they need someone to talk to about it. Individuals will experience happiness and a healthier, honest life, without this type of oppression because then they wouldn’t depend on the drugs or alcohol to let all their problems go away or their pain go away. Individuals will be able to go outside of their comfort zone because they won’t have drugs and alcohol to be there to console their pain. This would let people talk and fend for themselves. People could experience joy by things that they wouldn’t be able to go and do by themselves, such as finishing school or being able to talk to younger people about their experiences that can teach others to stay on the right path. show others that drugs and alcohol can become addicting and it can also ruin their life, by becoming addicted and depended on drugs and alcohol.

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